Sunday, December 31, 2006

First monies.

Got paid on Friday. Sweet. First pay check from TheNewJob™. The first pay cheque is always the bestest. Especially when you see the huge jump in salary. So what did I do with this pay? I bought things! Christmas is over, and now it was time for MeMas.
First and foremost, I knew I'd have to get myself in better shape. Driving so much and sitting on my at-dollarsign-dollersign all day isn't going to do my weight and figure any good. My solution? The Pro-Form 750 CardioCrossTrainer. It was 50% off at Canadian Tire (praise Allah). I tried other local retailers, but nothing else seemed to compare to the value I had found at Crappy Tire. Into the car it went.
I lugged the brute home and assembled it over a three hour period. Just like IKEA, I had a bunch of parts left over!! Not really. Come the evening, I thought I'd hop on for a twenty minute workout. HAH! Try six minutes and thirty seconds, brother. Yes, I am grossly out of shape. I'll work up to that 20 minutes though. Give me time. Friends, the cross CCT wasn't all.
Today on the way home, I slipped over to Long and McQuade's for some distortion pedal goodness. Long and McQuade is really a magical place for musicians. So many good good things there.

So, now the year is at it's end. 2007 Begins in this burb in a mere six hours. Sunflower and I will be spending it with Grindy and Cloudie, and twelve cans of Maclay's India Pale Ale. I doubt I'll be driving home tonight.

PS TheRoss is blogging again at Slow Down, Martha. Give him some love.

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Monday, December 25, 2006

Fingers on Fire - A Merry Christmas Indeed

And so Christmas has come and nearly gone. New years, and then the rest of Winter. Perhaps Christmas comes too early. Everyone, let's write Palpetine.. I mean the Pope.
I came home shortly after 1am and scurried off to bed. Nick had already been by. I missed him again, just like Polkaroo. Regardless, I went to bed for my night time rest. My mother ended up getting TheWife and I out of bed around 9:30. I probably would have slept another hour at least. Funny how waking up early on Christmas is no longer a priority.
Breakfast was the first on the itinerary, mainly to help drive Sunflower nuts. She truly is like a kid on Christmas. The suspense kills her. She doesn't care what's in the gifts, she just wants to know what is in there-- if that makes sense.
After a most delicious breakfast of eggs, bacon, and breakfast sausage, we made our ways to the living room and we began to open our gifts. Given the limited nature of my fundage, i couldn't give as much as I would have liked to. Even still, I was able to give the wife a Sens jersey, and we bought some coat, a couple sweaters, and a two unit cordless phone set at 5.8ghz. She was pleasantly surprised.
The highlight of my receiving, and what is currently set my fingers ablaze would be the Yamaha Eterna ET112 electric guitar and accessory kit. As an entry level guitar, it comes with pretty much everything you need to start playing, including an amp, electronic pitch pipe, pics, extra strings, along with some other goodies. You don't realize how bad your other guitar sounds until you have something that plays a lot nicer. Now that I have been inducted into the modern world of music, I now need to get a Macbook and some sort of input device, perhaps the MXL Desktop Recording Kit (D.R.K) so I will be, you know, all up in there. I hope to finally be able to enter this new realm in 2007. Ah yes, 2007. I believe it will be a fruitful year.

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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve

And so it's upon us. Tomorrow is Christmas day, it's practically here. I think it's safe to say that I'm ready. I finished my shopping earlier this week. Everything is wrapped (not saying I'm the one who did the wrapping). All that's left is my last security shift tonight (I didn't want to turn down $15/hour), some sleep, and then opening up Pandora tomorrow.
Once again, I've overspent. It almost seems like a Christmas tradition, really. I don't mind though. I still like to go shopping for other people. Of courses I haven't had the capacity to buy as much as I've been known to do in the past, but it appears that'll be different next year. I better start saving soon, 'cause I might go nuts. It's a good thing I've opted out of getting credit cards. It's a lot safer for me that way.
I'm actually writing this whilst I wait for a short video I made to finish compressing. This old iBook G3 takes it's time when doing these types of activities. This video comes courtesy of the iSight I bought from TheRoss during the fall. Such a nice little gadget.

So, without further adieu, here's the Merry Christmas video. I'll be pumping the link out via email as well.. just so you knows.

More Christmas goodness later.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

A week almost under my belt

Tomorrow, in case you've lost track, is FRIDAY! It's also the Friday before Christmas, which in case you haven't noticed, is on Monday! Scrazy, folks. I hope your shopping is done. You're running out of time!
After being completely enamoured on the first couple of days of the job, I have calmed down a little. I still like the job though. I forgot I had a brain. Best of all, it still works, though it does feel like mush at the end of day. More importantly though, I'm enjoying being a part of a team atmosphere instead of working as mindless drones just doing a job. Ultimately, it's just great to be back in career mode. I am smrt.

With all the excitement of the new job along with busy schedules, we finally found the time and energy to put up the Christmas tree last night. Even in China, it's a task that I always enjoy doing. This may well be this tree's final year though. Artificial trees have come a long way since we got this one somewhere in the neighbourhood of twenty years ago. Although I'd never do it, you can buy them pre-decorated now. Aside from that, there are those that look more real than real trees-- just without the smell and falling needles. You don't have to worry about a waking squirrel either. Artificial vs. Real - what's your pick?

As with most of Christmas periods, I'll try and blog throughout and give updates as to what's going on around the house.

A Christmas without snow.. how depressing.

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Monday, December 18, 2006


Started the new job. HOT DAMN! I know there's a whole novelty aspect to starting higher calibre position, but still, my first day was awesome. My team seems über friendly. People I've talked to seem to really enjoy the company and what goes on there. I talked with the company co-founder today as well. He was also a friendly guy. The drive is a bit long, but I can live with that.
In the staff kitchen you'll find a cooler filled with juices and pop. You'll also a find a coffee maker that makes individual cups using a variety of coffee selections. On top of these fringe benefits, I also start off with three weeks of vacation per year, an expected to happen stock option plan, employee bonus and employee benefits package, not to mention employee pension fund. ScoobyDoooooooooooo!
Also, now this is super special, it looks to be that every seven weeks I'll have a five day weekend because we'll normally be putting in 40 hours within four days. This is just cool.
In conclusion, I'm happy with the new digs.

PS A Very Merry Christmas Video C/O YouTube

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Doesn't sit well - Marriage With a Fool

Today was TheWife's birthday. Happy birthday, baby.

We watched a Cantonese movie tonight called Marriage With a Fool (Duk ga si oi) - a romantic comedy about a young couple who get married and separate soon after. The reason for the split was because the guy, Wah, was spending some time with his childhood neighbour (Josephine) whilst his wife (Bobo) was at work. She wasn't aware of these meetings and she happened to read a message on his cell phone from this woman, she lost it on him despite the truth of Wah not having committed any sin (kiss or otherwise) with Josephine. Wah should have told his wife about spending time with this woman, but Bobo over reacted by saying they were now splitting up.
Wah went to the arms of Josephine that night (after getting loaded), and the next morning when he conceded to Bobo's declaration of a split (which she was pretending never happened), she once again went ballistic when she's the one that wanted it in the first place.
Fast forward to the part that didn't sit well with me after some introspection nearly 90 minutes later.
Both Wah and Bobo had at least somewhat of a romantic encounter with someone else during their split. It was obvious that both of them were still in love with each other. An emotional conversation and a floodgate of tears later, they re-unite. All happy, right? An undetermined amount of time passes (not too much, maybe a few months to a year) and Wah is playing some PS2 when he receives a text message for Josephine saying that she missed him. He replied in kind. After paying attention to his transaction, he decides to erase the message lest his wife read it. Bobo on the other hand, goes off to their bedroom (not knowing of the text message) and begins a letter to her interim fling using paper he had made for her. Fade to black. Credits role.
Instead of the theme that love conquers all, we're left with a theme more along the lines of love should be distributed to more than one person.
Although there's a certain realism to that ending, I'm finding it rather hard to stomach. Somewhere there are people doing this to themselves every day. Why? This whole concept is really bothering me. I'm not longer feeling entertained by this movie. I now sit disgruntled with the entire thing. Probably because there's more truth to that movie than fiction.

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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Creepy Dreamy

Just woke up from a nap, which will lead into my last overnight shift as a Security Guard. That's cool in itself, but I also just had a creep ass dream.
I can't remember what lead up the dramatic scene, but I was being chased by a mob boss and he cronies. After locking myself in a garage where a couple of swords were held the boss gets in, but I was able to keep the others outside.
With a sword in my hand, I offer him the other one (with sheath). He accepts and we begin to sword-fight. He tosses the sheath under the slightly open garage door for his cronies and we continue to battle. Both of us have a series of cuts, but eventually I take the upper hand after slicing his neck. He falls to the ground as his gang break through the garage door again. I stab and slice a few of them while I break for one of their cars outside. From the passenger's side (key's already in ignition), I start the car while on my stomach and use my right arm and hand as a leg, evading those who are after me. I win.
I come back to the garage after dark, thinking I'm going to have to dispose of the dead body that I left behind when I hear the sounds of an old truck driving slowly, and men obviously sitting in the back. They come into view as I go hide in a shed. Keeping the door open enough for me to see what goes by. The truck is decorated in Christmas lights with the men in back singing Christmas carols. There are two guys on either side holding sniper rifles looking for me. One of them suddenly speaks out saying "wait a sec," as he looks over my way. I know I'm doomed. I wake up. I lose.

This dream just creeps me out. Eesht.

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

What a few days can do

So I had all of last week off. No big secret. Since then I've watched a crap-load of downloaded anime torrents, worked a shift, got a new job, did a little Christmas shopping. You know, the usual. And the week is only half passed.
Back to that whole getting a new job thing. I got the phone call today to say I was hired. What's more interesting than the fact that I'm back on the career track is that I had a pre-sleep/half dozing vision. This vision consisted of a phone call about me getting the job. Cool, huh? I think I smell a new Macbook in my not too distant future, but distant enough for me to pay cash.
Of course there is a downside to the new position. Back to the commute I go, with a possible move into the GTA/Downtown core area. Haven't really decided on the move or anything, it's just a possibility.
So, yeah. I like... stuff. My question now is pretty simple. When will I find time to watch the crap I download now?

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Sunday, December 10, 2006

Christmas time, again.

Last night was my annual Christmas get together with my former Woodbine clan. With or without me, this tradition has been going on for about six years. It's an event I always look forward to because I really don't get the chance to see these friends very often. Schedule differences, along with at least an hour driving distance between us, makes it somewhat difficult. At the same time, this infrequency always makes our time together that much more special, and thus I really look forward to it.
The festivities began with a beer and some Wii Sports. Bowling and golf were the games of choice, and I am pretty sure I know what my next console will be. Wii and Dildo jokes be damned, having the ability to physically get into the game really adds a great dimension to it. Imagine what might happen with DDR and a Wii-mote. This could be a killer aerobics app. Quite exciting, indeed.
More beers and snacks followed, as the rest of the troupe trickled in. We chatted, we played, we ate, and we drank. We also opened our Secret Santa gifts. I gave some Ottawa Sentators "Ice Glasses," great as a beer receptacle. I received the Family Guy DVD Trivia game. We did play a round of this game, but I was severely lacking my Family Guy factoids. This is okay though, as it gives me new impetus to increase my viewing of said series.
TheWife also received some Body Shop goodness, which she will surely enjoy. It smells like cranberries. I must be careful not to try and eat her.
So, after all was said and done, many beers and beverages consumed, we all went our own separate ways. A good time was had, and I was left longing for more beers.

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Thursday, December 07, 2006

Blue October in White December

Listening to:
You Make Me Smile
from the album "Foiled" by Blue October
In some ways I'm glad I've decided to pay for the majority of my music downloads. Just like copied games on the XBOX, when I don't pay for something, I'm rather indiscriminate and I don't appreciate them. Others that I know went the now defunct, route. It was cheap (literally cents), you had your selection of bit rates, there were no DRM's, and best of all, you were always sure of what were getting; something you couldn't be sure of when taking the P2P roads. I opted to not use their services for a couple of reasons: Artists were not receiving a dime from those sales and also because I'm a Mac whore.

In September I found myself in Hamilton doing security at a hotel that was being erected (HA, I said erected). One early morning the radio was on and I heard the track "Hate Me" by Blue October. I liked it. I liked it enough to download at the cost of $0.99. I didn't bother sampling the album, as I figured it would probably suck like the majority of music on the radio. After I started picking up the guitar again, I learned the chords for the song and now I can almost play it in a mediocre fashion. Progress, yeah.
Yesterday I was checking for new music on the iTunes store, checking up on the new Incubus album which I found less than purchase worthy. Sad, but true. Also on the list of new was a Blue October EP. This started me on the path of actually giving them half a chance and you know, I actually liked what I heard. $10 later, I have the album downloaded and I'm enjoying it.
Foiled has a modern rock/alternative feel to it, but also incorporates the occasional 80's new wave synth or the Staind, I'm unhappy as all f--- (I believe that's been diagnosed as emo?). Currently I'm really digging the track "Into the Ocean," but I also like the album as a whole.
Being that I really don't really listen to the radio or watch Much anymore, my opinions on this album may be somewhat distorted, but one thing I'm finding out about music is this; ignorance is bliss. You enjoy music so much more that way.

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Monday, December 04, 2006

What a couple of weeks

I'm pooped. In the past two weeks I've worked 104 hours. Think about that for a moment. Okay, avoid the thinking as I'd hate to be a hypocrite. Thinking is to me, like the rainforest is to snow; both nearly impossible and very distant to it's location.
The past few days have found me babysitting for a major curling event. I've never seen curling anywhere other than on the TV, so it was a bit of a first for me. I also learned a few things about the people involved in curling. If you've ever seen the movie "Men With Brooms," you can accept that as a pretty significant truth behind the game. You have a bunch of grown men who are still sixteen years old. They also consume beer in the same fashion. It was an interesting experience, but I'm certainly glad it's over. You can only look at the stuff for so long before you go squirrely. Secondly, when you work with someone who does sweet f*ck all, you get a little frustrated.
After tonight, I'm actually free until next Monday. I get some pre-Christmas time off, which I'm really looking forward to. I need a break. Zero excuse for not wallowing in my geekishness.

And one last thing...
Check out the Official Webpage for No Talent Hacks. They suck.

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