First and foremost, I knew I'd have to get myself in better shape. Driving so much and sitting on my at-dollarsign-dollersign all day isn't going to do my weight and figure any good. My solution? The Pro-Form 750 CardioCrossTrainer. It was 50% off at Canadian Tire (praise Allah). I tried other local retailers, but nothing else seemed to compare to the value I had found at Crappy Tire. Into the car it went.
I lugged the brute home and assembled it over a three hour period. Just like IKEA, I had a bunch of parts left over!! Not really. Come the evening, I thought I'd hop on for a twenty minute workout. HAH! Try six minutes and thirty seconds, brother. Yes, I am grossly out of shape. I'll work up to that 20 minutes though. Give me time. Friends, the cross CCT wasn't all.
Today on the way home, I slipped over to Long and McQuade's for some distortion pedal goodness. Long and McQuade is really a magical place for musicians. So many good good things there.
So, now the year is at it's end. 2007 Begins in this burb in a mere six hours. Sunflower and I will be spending it with Grindy and Cloudie, and twelve cans of Maclay's India Pale Ale. I doubt I'll be driving home tonight.
PS TheRoss is blogging again at Slow Down, Martha. Give him some love.
Technorati Tags: guitar, Money, My Life, Exercise, Eleptical Trainer