Update: Did anyone noticed the typo in the "title" heading?
Listening to:
Hurt (Live) by Nine Inch Nails w/ David Bowie
Looking at the Weather Network website, I was informed via THE RED BAR OF DEATH that there's a freezing rain warning overnight into Friday morning. Scary. We couldn't be graced with something a little less dangerous (ie snow). Instead, we get something that'll send cars flying every which way except straight. Gah.
I decided to make my last "official" post over at Section-9 last night. As I mentioned there, it did feel somewhat like the beating of an expired gelding. My heart isn't there anymore. It's here, with this wonderfully blue background and grey text. I realize that my new home will likely be less perused by the internet incumbents of the blogosphere, but I'm comfortable with that. Call me crazy, but I bet I'll be able to count the consistent readers on one hand. I'm not an intellectual, I'm not a political pundit. I offer nothing to the masses other than the occasional review of something I enjoyed or hated, or some other nugget of truth that's happened to drop from my ass. So welcome back to my blogging style of old, because now I'm back to doing it for myself.

Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I'll be settling in soon.
So, admittedly, posting has been rather sporadic. I don't know if that'll be changing anytime soon or not. What will be changing soon enough is the content. Up until now, most posts have been anime centric. Not everyone that comes here (okay, probably most of those who happen to rear their mugs) don't really give a damn about my minor animated obsessions. Although these types of posts will continue, soon you'll be reading a bit more of My Life type posts which consist of rants, news, ideas, and vegetable pr0n.
Continuing on the anime themes; I'm almost completely caught up with my downloaded torrents now. Basically I have about four episodes of Crescent Love to get through, as well as five episodes of Kanon. Kanon being favourite, I'm unsurprisingly keeping it for last. I do the same thing with my dinner plate. It was the only way that I could ever leave the table when I was younger, lest being confined to my chair until it's contents were gone.
I've actually noticed the frequency of my downloads has lessened somewhat. Part of it could be my faster connection (going from 100kbs to 2.5mbs makes a big difference). A more noticeable trait would be that my HDD space seems to be increasing - something I take careful note of given the limited nature 30gigs provides you. Maybe things are slowing down a bit. I can't say I really mind though, as it's nice feeling knowing that I don't have the weight of a full waking day of things you have to digest.
Continuing on the anime themes; I'm almost completely caught up with my downloaded torrents now. Basically I have about four episodes of Crescent Love to get through, as well as five episodes of Kanon. Kanon being favourite, I'm unsurprisingly keeping it for last. I do the same thing with my dinner plate. It was the only way that I could ever leave the table when I was younger, lest being confined to my chair until it's contents were gone.
I've actually noticed the frequency of my downloads has lessened somewhat. Part of it could be my faster connection (going from 100kbs to 2.5mbs makes a big difference). A more noticeable trait would be that my HDD space seems to be increasing - something I take careful note of given the limited nature 30gigs provides you. Maybe things are slowing down a bit. I can't say I really mind though, as it's nice feeling knowing that I don't have the weight of a full waking day of things you have to digest.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Sugoi! Death Note is AWESOME!
I don't have all that much to say right now. I've been catching up on some fansubs today. On the docket was Pumpkin Scissors (8), Busou Renkin (6), Black Blood Brothers (11), along with episodes 4-8 of Death Note. Wow. That's all I can say about the series. It's powerful in it's suspense and intrigue, beautifully woven, nicely animated, and comes with a lifetime supply of Kraft Dinner.
It's going to be my luck that the series gets licensed before it finishes.
It's going to be my luck that the series gets licensed before it finishes.
Technorati Tags: Anime, Death Note, Fansub
Sunday, November 19, 2006
A bit side-tracked.
Listening to:
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow from the album "Let It Snow! - EP" by Michael Bublé
So anime-wise, this weekend was a bust. I watched sweet-bo-diddly. S'all good. Instead this weekend found my old Netgear wireless router kack (is that really even a word) which required immediate replacement. We here at the LosRicos Dojo opted for the Linksys WRT54G V.6 Wireless G router. Nope. No sir. Don't like it. When I wasn't attending yesterday's Santa Claus parade or visiting Grindy for some jammage, I was fussing over the most retarded router I've ever worked with. I returned the first one after deciding that it was flunky after a day of experimentation (no rawr here folks). Back I went to the point-of-purchase for an exchange (their Wii's sold out in 15 minutes BTW). After brining it home, I immediately downloaded the firmware update and installed it. Strangely, the router wouldn't give my iBook an IP address, whether hardwired or through WiFi. More research revealed others having the same issue, and that the Firmware seemed to be the one to blame. I downgraded to the previous version, naturally, and encountered similar issues that I had the day before.
As it stands now, all the connections are working, but I don't know how long this will last. If it fails again, I'll be going for a refund next time and getting something else, whilst placing Linksys on my shit-list.
So that was my weekend folks. Hope yours was better.
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow from the album "Let It Snow! - EP" by Michael Bublé
So anime-wise, this weekend was a bust. I watched sweet-bo-diddly. S'all good. Instead this weekend found my old Netgear wireless router kack (is that really even a word) which required immediate replacement. We here at the LosRicos Dojo opted for the Linksys WRT54G V.6 Wireless G router. Nope. No sir. Don't like it. When I wasn't attending yesterday's Santa Claus parade or visiting Grindy for some jammage, I was fussing over the most retarded router I've ever worked with. I returned the first one after deciding that it was flunky after a day of experimentation (no rawr here folks). Back I went to the point-of-purchase for an exchange (their Wii's sold out in 15 minutes BTW). After brining it home, I immediately downloaded the firmware update and installed it. Strangely, the router wouldn't give my iBook an IP address, whether hardwired or through WiFi. More research revealed others having the same issue, and that the Firmware seemed to be the one to blame. I downgraded to the previous version, naturally, and encountered similar issues that I had the day before.
As it stands now, all the connections are working, but I don't know how long this will last. If it fails again, I'll be going for a refund next time and getting something else, whilst placing Linksys on my shit-list.
So that was my weekend folks. Hope yours was better.
Technorati Tags: Linksys, My Life, wireless router, WRT54G
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Making in-roads.
Well, I'm not caught up yet. I'm not a machine. I need sleep. I also need to work. And then I need to sleep some more. In between I also eat, urinate, and defecate. To much info? Didn't think so.
I watched the first episode of S-Strain during me weekend anime digestion period. At first I was a little leery about it. During the first few minutes I was under the impression that this was going to be a period peace, judging on their decorum. If that were the case, it probably would have ended up on the chopping block shortly after. Instead, S-Strain turned out to be a mech-based series about a girl who joins the service during an intergalactic war in an effort to join her brother. You discover that her brother was actually somewhat of a war hero and ace-pilot, which left our protagonist with some big shoes to fill. Well on her to finishing her training her school gets attacked, leaving the students to fend off the invaders.
Immediate twists to the story are offered up by end of the twenty-two, which has left me hanging for the next episode. I'm not sure if this one is a keeper yet, and thus have put it on the "on-trial" list. I'll be sure (or not) to let you know. For now, check it out yourself.
Also see the official web site: http://www.s-strain.jp/
I watched the first episode of S-Strain during me weekend anime digestion period. At first I was a little leery about it. During the first few minutes I was under the impression that this was going to be a period peace, judging on their decorum. If that were the case, it probably would have ended up on the chopping block shortly after. Instead, S-Strain turned out to be a mech-based series about a girl who joins the service during an intergalactic war in an effort to join her brother. You discover that her brother was actually somewhat of a war hero and ace-pilot, which left our protagonist with some big shoes to fill. Well on her to finishing her training her school gets attacked, leaving the students to fend off the invaders.
Immediate twists to the story are offered up by end of the twenty-two, which has left me hanging for the next episode. I'm not sure if this one is a keeper yet, and thus have put it on the "on-trial" list. I'll be sure (or not) to let you know. For now, check it out yourself.
Also see the official web site: http://www.s-strain.jp/
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Tonagura is Funny!
Tonagura! is a series I began downloading back in August but kept getting shoved aside and accumulating on my "Media Whore" external drive. Every time a new episode was posted, I dutifully downloaded it but stopped short of actually watching it. Now that we're well into the new fall season, "Media whore" is facing some capacity issues. In light of this, I've spent the weekend going through series that I have been downloading and checking out which I can do without and Tonagura isn't one of them. That series is freaking hilarious. Sure it's all fan-service TnA, but it's all in good fun.
Also noteworthy would be Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto. It's actually more of a shounen series, no funny and all action/story. Instead of actually reviewing them, why don't you go check out the Anime News Network Encyclopedia for more information. What can a brother say? I'm feeling lazy.
Also noteworthy would be Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto. It's actually more of a shounen series, no funny and all action/story. Instead of actually reviewing them, why don't you go check out the Anime News Network Encyclopedia for more information. What can a brother say? I'm feeling lazy.
Technorati Tags: Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto, Anime, Tonagura
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Good news, bad news. Always the way.
So I'll be working 12 hour shifts starting Monday. Again. That's the bad news. The good news is that they will be single day shifts, with a break of at least one day in between (ie Monday, Wednesday, Friday with Tuesday, Thursday, and the Weekend off) This means that everything I get behind in during the week shouldn't happen anymore. This long backlog of anime will finally be eliminated. S'about time. ^^;;
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