Sunday, November 19, 2006

A bit side-tracked.

Listening to:
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow
from the album "Let It Snow! - EP" by Michael Bublé

So anime-wise, this weekend was a bust. I watched sweet-bo-diddly. S'all good. Instead this weekend found my old Netgear wireless router kack (is that really even a word) which required immediate replacement. We here at the LosRicos Dojo opted for the Linksys WRT54G V.6 Wireless G router. Nope. No sir. Don't like it. When I wasn't attending yesterday's Santa Claus parade or visiting Grindy for some jammage, I was fussing over the most retarded router I've ever worked with. I returned the first one after deciding that it was flunky after a day of experimentation (no rawr here folks). Back I went to the point-of-purchase for an exchange (their Wii's sold out in 15 minutes BTW). After brining it home, I immediately downloaded the firmware update and installed it. Strangely, the router wouldn't give my iBook an IP address, whether hardwired or through WiFi. More research revealed others having the same issue, and that the Firmware seemed to be the one to blame. I downgraded to the previous version, naturally, and encountered similar issues that I had the day before.
As it stands now, all the connections are working, but I don't know how long this will last. If it fails again, I'll be going for a refund next time and getting something else, whilst placing Linksys on my shit-list.
So that was my weekend folks. Hope yours was better.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey your laptop worked fine on my 20 dollar router :)

Jammage must happen again!