Monday, April 16, 2007

Last.Fm does it again (21 of 28)

When was still operational, both TheRoss and I had a listing on our respective blogs for Last.Fm that showed what we had most recently listened to. Since we mutually decided to close it's doors, my Last.Fm account has remained pretty dormant. Despite my lack of usage, AudioScrobbler has continued running on my computers since that time. AudioScrobbler is what told Last.Fm what we were actually listening to.
Today I was curious, so after months of not clicking my over I finally made my way there. What I found was something new (for Last.Fm) which was also very welcomed by my part. It's result you can see above you. In the vain of MySpace, Last.Fm has gone one up and created a "radio" channel that you can embed into your blog. Instead of just one song, you can listen to many a track from right here. What's better is that it's absolutely free. Free is good. I'm curious how Last.Fm actually makes money, but at the same time, I don't really care. I'll just abuse it's service while it's there.

In completely unrelated news, I added Super Mario Bros. to my virtual console on my Wii. I remember that game being somewhat difficult the last time I played it. It seems so much easier now. I still like it though. It's so nostalgic. I'm going to look into other, more recent titles. By more recent, I mean N64 recent. StarFox 64 and Zelda: Orcana of Time are on that researching list. The Virtual Console really was a great idea on Nintendo's part.

One more week to go in the Blogfest. Damn, how time does fly.

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