When I created my previous masterpieces (I do use that term loosely), I was bored and dissatisfied with my current station in life. A rent-a-cop with aspirations to be something more, but feeling hopelessly stuck in the status quo. Between that, and the "sleepy crazies" of working overnights, I always had something to say. Something was always edging me the wrong way.
Today, I'm happy. I've been happy since December. The pendulum is swinging on the positive side again and so content is me. It's pretty hard for me to be funny and/or entertaining when I'm feeling pretty Zen about everything. All is right in my microcosm, and thus I have nothing to say for the camera.
Meanwhile, my regular joe blog is much easier to fill. I can drop the drivel down and not give it second thought. This is a prime example. Given that my VLOGs at least have a limited amount of production value to it, I can't bring myself to sully them with crap. And thus is the story of my good intentions.
Technorati Tags: My Life, Video Podcast, VLOG
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