You know, I don't think I'll ever get tired of that name.
On Sunday morning, before I left for work, I called around to inquire about available Wii's. Of course, there were none to be had. Downtrodden, I want to work shortly thereafter and thought about how I might attain this amazing treasure. Other than phoning and randomly dropping by selected retailers, I had nothing. I wasn't going to eBay it. Screw that noise.
The storm blew in on Monday. Everything had turned from green to ice. Schools and businesses were closed, and the roads were a mess. I thought this may be a truly great day for obtaining a Wii! No one would be crazy enough to risk this weather. I dialled, and dialled, and dialled. It didn't occur to me that the trucks wouldn't be on the road either. Dreams were once gain vanquished.
Tuesday I went through the same drill. I made a few phone calls, I checked the internet, and no Wii's. We had to go to the Chinese market.
On the way to the market there is a Future Shop. I thought to myself, "why not." I stopped in, I asked, I was rudely treated and also received a negative answer. It was worth a shot.
After market we left. I remembered that there was also a mall we could also stop off at. To the mall we went. I popped into a Wal-Mart (sad but true), and I had just missed their last two remaining consoles. Off to EB, where I was also greeted with no Wii's. Feeling sad, and defeated once again, the proprietor at the retailers advised me in a hushed voice that Best Buy had received a shipment in that morning. I grabbed TheWife (who was still in Wal-Mart) and hustled out to the car. I drove while fastening my seat-belt off to the Best Buy across the road. I ran hurried inside (my first trip into a Best Buy.. ever.. ), scanning for the Video Games section. I saw an older gentleman grabbing a Wii from a salesman like a mother holds a baby in a windstorm. I kindly said to the salesman, "please, tell me there are more." There were. Three more. The coveted Wii was mine. Behind me was a woman of 23-ish, who received a Wii as well, while gasping for breathe. She had ran from the mall when she had heard the news.
Now my Wii is at home and set up. We have nunchuckus, and Wii-motes, and Wii Sports. Wii are happy.
Just a word of warning, Linksys and Wii don't play well together. But , to coin the narrator from Hammy Hamster, "that's another story."
Technorati Tags: Best Buy, Electronics Boutique, Future Shop, My Life, Nintendo, Wii
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