Friday, March 30, 2007

Frequency, not quality.

23:49 according to my computer. Eleven minutes more and my blogfest would be a failure. Mind you, I'm come up with an excuse if it went past midnight. Time zones make things very convenient. I doubt I'll be posting from work--holy s*** is are we f***ed. Too much work and not enough people. If I get cranky this weekend, you'll understand why.

Despite having ten minutes to write this, I do have something a little interesting to say.
On the way to work, less than a minute into my drive, I came to the usual four-way stop of Duke and Dolph. What made it interesting was this shiny red pickup truck. Okay, it wasn't the truck itself that was interesting, but the driver. This 70-something year old lady was behind the wheel of this huge monstrosity. She wasn't a great driver either, fitting the mould of the typical "granny driver," except this time twice as dangerous. She couldn't handle the best. A right hand turn found her right into the oncoming traffic lane. I quickly got out of her way (as she was behind me) and continued on my way to work. As I continued to drive I thought to myself, "wouldn't this make good blog fodder" in that sort of rhetorical way.

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