Sunday, January 21, 2007

Wii-kend Report Vol.2

I'm sore, believe it or not. Bowling and Boxing on LosWiicos has kicked my ass. LosWiicos is the nickname for my Wii. I am talking about the console by the way. Seriously. During the initial setup of the console, you're asked to give it a name. LosWiicos seemed appropriate, and thus it was done. I actually took a break from playing last night in the hopes I could get back into the ring tonight, but I have my doubts. I'm still feeling rather tender.

I'm really glad that Nintendo went this route with their new console. It certainly is a lot more entertaining for me, plus a guaranteed form of exercise for all the little fat kids who never go outside to play. Now that I think about it, all the Nintendo spots I've seen for the Wii weren't even geared for the child set. I guess we know who's playing then.

A change of pace.

Every company has their freak/weirdo kind of dude. Where I work is no exception. We'll call him Juan.

Wednesday morning I came in and was updated by N. about Juan. Juan had finished his shift at midnight, but had stuck around since then hoping to "mooch" a ride off of someone. Strange enough, sure, but I was willing to let that one go.

More stories came in. Most interesting to note was about Juan in the bathroom. No, this isn't a poop story, however I guess it's poop related. He was sitting in the poop box with a lighter, igniting sanitation covers for the toilet seats. From what I'm told, poop smells better than burning sanitation covers. Will Juan go postal when someone takes his red Swingline stapler? Will he set the building on fire? Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Grindy said...

My Wii's name shall be "Grindii"