Sunday, October 22, 2006

Almost through the guantlet.

Just a shorty.

Spent the majority of the weekend sifting through tons of downloaded fansubbed anime, playing guitar, downloading Chinese lessons, and drinking tea.
A new series of note in particular would be Kanon (the remake). Great looking series. Hooked me at the opening. It's pretty obvious where the game/series AIR got its influence from. Simply spectacular. I imagine this will get licensed pretty quick. Tokimeki Memorial and Death Note are also doing their part.
On a negative note, a series to stay away from would be Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge. I say stay away from it, unless you're into man-love. GIVES-ME-SHUDDERS. But hey, if you're into that kind of thing, go to town.

So now I'm tired and require sleep before a long day of work tomorrow. Wokao.

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